Sunday, October 24, 2010

9 Months old

Can Kaycee really be 9 months old already?  It just doesn't seem possible!  She's growing up so fast and crawling all over the place!  She is such a joy and blessing in my life.  She is such a good baby, she loves to play and just be with people.  She is only fussy or cranky when she is hungry or sleepy which has been great!  She has also been sleeping through the night since she was about 6 weeks old, which I'm sure my parents aren't too thrilled with since I never slept through night until I was 3 years old, haha!!!  Before I know it she's going to 1 year old, then 2, then in school and then dating!  How is Cody going to handle that I wonder?  Well I can't wait for the holidays because it's going to be her first Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and even though I don't think she'll understand what's going on, I'm going to enjoy every minute of it!!!

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